
A summary: Fedora Women’s Day

On October 19, we hosted the first Fedora Women’s Day in Munich at modulE. The event aims to increase awareness of the importance of having communities that will wellcome every potential contributor, even if inexperienced or new to the topic.

The event was co-organized with the support of the local Fedora Diversity & Inclusion Team  speakers from many other communities were involved. It was great opportunity to exchange ideas, improvements and share different point of views or ways to handle similar topics in the communities.

Our very own, Marina Latini opened the session with an introduction of CIB, the event host, and the importance of open source, just during the 20 years celebration of OSI.

Bhagyashree Padalkar introduced the attendees of Fedora and how to contribute to the Fedora Project while Manel Rhaiem shared her experiences at Mozilla. Just before dinner, and as closing session, Florian Effenberger analyzed the parallelisms between an open source community and an open source cooking.

For further details just have a look:

  • Slides from Marina Latini and Bhagyashree Padalkar
  • Slides from Manel Rhaiem
  • Slides from Florian Effenberger

Have fun and share your knowledge!

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