CIB´s contribution to LibreOffice 6.1.1

LibreOffice 6.1.1 is here, have a look and discover how CIB contributed to this new release:

On Thursday last week, 13.09.2018, The Document Foundation announced LibreOffice 6.1.1 and CIB is glad to be one of the companies behind the development of the new version for early adopters, technology enthusiasts and power users.

The team provided several improvements and fixes to LibreOffice and the users can leverage some of the interesting new features introduced within this sprint:

  • In Writer it is now possible to generate a signature line and furthermore it is possible to sign the signature line with a digital certificate.
  • An improved LibreOffice QT5/KDE5 integration is available – just have a look at the entire presentation

Enterprise deployments

As The Document Foundation stated, “LibreOffice 6.1.1 represents the bleeding edge in term of features for open source office suites, and as such is targeted at technology enthusiasts, early adopters and power users”.

For enterprises and professional deployments, CIB provides CIB office, a certified Long Term Supported version of LibreOffice and other professional services like custom development, trainings from certified trainers and certified migration consultants for a better LibreOffice adoption.

More information here.

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