Sanremo Conferenza LibreItalia 2018

LibreItalia Conference 2018

After a great LibreOffice Conference, followed by the LibreOffice Hackfest held at modul-E and the SFSCon in Bolzano sponsored by CIB, the LibreOffice community met again in Sanremo on December 1st, for the annual conference of the Italian supporters and contributors, members of the LibreItalia association.

Unfortunately CIB wasn´t able to attend the event, but thanks to all the LibreItalia social channels, we did have the opportunity to interact with all the attendees. LibreItalia was using a custom Telegram channel dedicated to the conference and the conference was commented via twitter using the hashtag #libreitaliaconf.

The mayor of Sanremo opened the session, sharing great interest in the importance of the digital culture, formats and open source software for citizens and students, too. Enio Gemmo, LibreItalia president, and the entire board talked about all the past initiatives of the ongoing year and the plans for 2019.

The speech of Francesco Di Costanzo, president of PA Social, presenting the activities and goals of the association that are pointing towards the development of new communication via social media in order to increase and improve the relationship between the PAs, companies and the citizens was really appreciated.

LibreItalia is strongly committed to schools! Therefore this years` session after lunch break was focused on schools, with reports on past and ongoing activities.

The conference could be the first step for bringing a new municipality to adopt LibreOffice and ODF.

Next meeting of the association will probably be between April and May 2019, in the beautiful city of Palermo.

We´ll hopefully be there.

Let´s CIB!

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