LibreOFfice HACKFEST 2018

Summary: LibreOffice Hackfest 2018 in Munich

The LO hackfest 2018 in Munich has been a great opportunity for improving LibreOffice and to strengthen the community.

The overall motto of these events that are organized around the globe by the community is always “knowledge sharing and having fun”! More than 30 attendees took part during the three days of activities by hacking around LibreOffice or discussing about improvements, strategies and much more. 

This edition was hosted at modul-E, the new open space powered by CIB, and was organized by CIB in cooperation with The Document Foundation.

The event started on Friday 26 with the introduction of the attendees and the list of goals to be achieved during the event. And as every hackfest is a moment of fun too, Anxhelo Lushka, Mike Saunders, Florian Effenberger and Marina Latini turned, after the introduction warm-up, into cooks and prepared different pastas for everybody.

Saturday was a full day of hacking and the results confirm that all groups worked hard in order to maximize the effort and take advantage of the opportunity to meet in person and work together face to face.

An excellent finish was the walking tour in the old part of town that offered the opportunity to explore some architecture and history.

Great event: Happy hacking at CIB!

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