FLISoL, LibreItalia conference, German and Spanish community meetings In April and May we demonstrated our commitment towards the open source community: dedicating four weekends
Offene Standards mit ODF und Open Source mit CIB office OASIS ist eine internationale Non-Profit-Organisation, die die Entwicklung, Konvergenz und Übernahme von E-Business-Standards vorantreibt. Kürzlich
For enterprises and professional deployments, CIB develops and provides you with CIB office, the certified long-term supported version of LibreOffice. On top of that,
After a great LibreOffice Conference in Tirana we are now proud to invite you to the LibreOffice Hackfest that we are organizing in cooperation with
The LibreOffice yearly conference is THE annual community meeting and a great opportunity to discuss and share ideas with contributors, companies and public administrations

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CIB Group
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