Und weiter geht’s mit unserer Reihe “Einstieg bei CIB”. Adrián Alejo ist seit Anfang Mai an unserem Standort in Las Palmas als Entwickler tätig. Dieses Mal ist das Interview auf Englisch, da Adrián noch dabei ist, seine Deutschkenntnisse zu verbessern.

Which work area do you come from, where is your expertise?
I graduated in computer science from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria some years ago and I’m specialized in software engineering. Since then, I have been working focusing on web development, as in hybrid mobile development for three companies before I came to CIB.
Why did you apply for a job at CIB?
I considered applying when a friend of mine, who was already working at CIB, told me that they were looking for people with my profile. After his very positive feedback about the work environment and after investigating about the company and its projects, I was totally convinced.
Are there any projects at CIB that have raised your particular interest? If so, which ones?
CIB has many awesome solutions. As a user and due to the fact that it has been my main project since I started to work here, doXisafe attracted my special attention. It’s like a combination of cloud and share providers and a very complete tool for daily use.
How does your daily work routine look like at the moment?
So far, so good. I’m working with excellent people and interesting projects. Every day I’m getting more knowledge about the company and the work here. I’m trying to contribute to CIB the best I can while improving as a professional.
What did you like most when you started your job at CIB?
The people and the warm welcome they gave me. I felt like I had already been working here for a long time. I felt like a full team member from the very beginning, with people trying to make me feel comfortable.
Thank you, Adrián and welcome on board!
Let’s CIB!