Aviso legal
O nosso aconselhamento jurídico aplica-se a todos os websites da CIB ligados a esta marca, bem como às páginas do CIB no Xing, Youtube e LinkedIn.
- CIB software GmbH
Elektrastraße 6a
D-81925 Munique
Antje Bauer, Frank Seboldt, Georg Hatzelmann
Tel: +49 89 143 60 – 0
E-Mail: info@cib.de oder support@cib.de
Responsible for the content on this website according to § 5 TMG and § 18 Abs. 2 MStV is: Antje Bauer; CIB software GmbH, Elektrastraße 6a, D-81925 Munique
- VAT identification number:
- Register Court Munich
- D-U-N-S® Number:
- Please note:
The EU Commission offers the possibility of online dispute resolution on an online platform operated by it. This platform can be reached via the external link https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ . We are not obliged to participate in an arbitration procedure and unfortunately cannot offer participation in such a procedure.
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.