- CIB flow
Design your business processes efficiently and process-driven with our low-code automation platform.
CIB sherlock accurately extracts all textual data relevant from a document. This enables reliable and automated document processing with artificial intelligence.
Generate your own AI
Your specific use case is quickly trained.
AI model easily expandable
Add new entities to existing models.
Multilingual recognition
The LLM knows the main languages of the euro area and can therefore evaluate the hits semantically.
Workflow quality control
The AI extracts the entities reliably. If the AI is unsure, it reports this and forwards it to the workflow process for manual verification.
Determine the level of automatization
The probability of an error-free result is determined for each document. You decide when dark processing is acceptable to you.
Self-learning AI
The AI learns from feedback from the application. After just three or four examples, the system adapts to new shapes or layouts.
Enables automatic anonymization of documents and more
Enables the automatic creation of invoices and payment orders.
Enables automatic classification of form fields
Enables, amongst other things, window enveloping for automatic mailing
Please contact us for expert advice on your particular case.
Integrate CIB AI into your software and offer your customers even more efficient solutions.
Specialized for business documents in German and other European languages