
Artificial intelligence

The Solution

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AI booster for other AIs: CIB deeper where other AI systems fail

Large AI providers such as OpenAI struggle with unconventional formats, such as elongated mobile screenshots (scroll screenshots) and large-format images.

Not so with CIB deepER: nuestro OCR AI altamente especializado está especialmente entrenado para procesar eficazmente formatos no estándar. Puede procesar documentos muy grandes, como planos detallados de ciudades o escaneos A2 de alta resolución, así como miniaturas, como microfotos, y extraer información precisa con suficiente resolución. La tecnología clave es nuestra avanzada segmentación de imágenes, que garantiza un procesamiento preciso.

CIB deepER has impressively demonstrated its outstanding capabilities in this area. We have tested it:

ChatGPT fails due to the elongated format

When uploading a scroll screenshot to ChatGPT, the AI cannot process the file because it cannot handle the unusual proportions.

CIB deepER is the solution!

We have our screenshot scanned by CIB deepER: CIB deepER : The result is flawless and can now be processed by ChatGPT The result is flawless and can now be processed by ChatGPT. Our AI OCR uses intelligent image segmentationto precisely divide files into editable sections. This ensures that all information is reliably extracted.

Our test shows:

CIB deepER effortlessly extracts the scanned image as plain text and passes the result to ChatGPT for advanced queries. Simply brilliant!

CIB deepER can therefore be used as a booster to improve the performance of other artificial intelligences.

Of course, it also works with other technologies and can be integrated into business modeling processes.


  • Seamless integration

    Easy integration with other AI tools and systems so that data flows smoothly between platforms, saving time and increasing efficiency.

  • Versatility and accuracy

    Effectively process multiple formats while ensuring accurate data extraction and minimizing errors.

  • Scalability

    It adapts to different levels of complexity and processes different document types, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

  • Time-saving

    Reduces manual effort by automating data processing and integration and streamlines workflows.

Nuestras soluciones especializadas pueden superar barreras técnicas y ampliar la funcionalidad de otros sistemas de IA. En un mundo en el que los datos visuales complejos son cada vez más habituales, herramientas como CIB deepER not only solve specific challenges but also set a new standard for interoperability between AI systems.

Get in touch with us and let's find out together how CIB deepER can support your projects.