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Digital signature


Describe your case study and benefit from efficient work processes through digitalization and automation.

CIB digitalization service for the BMW Group

BMW and Mini dealers in Europe needed to completely digitalize the contract processing in the Vehicle Booking Service (VBS).

Requirements: automation, integrated digital signature, long-term archiving

Besides the centralization of templates for all dealers and the partial automation of processes, the project required the implementation of a digital signature process and the long-term secure storage of signed contracts in PDF/A format.

Our CIB modular solution

The combination of our template manager CIB coSys and the output management process with the CIB components CIB doXiview NT, CIB doXisafe, CIB doXisign together with a customer-specific integration layer (EAI) resulted in a well-rounded overall solution.

When booking a vehicle, a BMW Group template by CIB Template Service is used to generate a PDF/A for the long-term archiving. The template contains two sections to be signed, by the dealer and the custome,r directly on the document via EAI. This technical process is integrated from the BMW Group app on a dealer's device (e.g. iPad).

CIB doXisign ensures that the digital signature service, integrated through the BMW Group's EAI layer, is compliant with the law.

The secure storage of the signed VBS contract is managed by CIB doXisafe. To control the output process BMW Group uses the EAI provided by our development team. This middleware takes care of all necessary requests to CIB backend solutions from the BMW application.

The BMW Group's IT service generates an e-mail message with which the contract stored in CIB doXisafe is sent to the customer's registered e-mail address.

Goal achieved:

A fully digitalized process in the contract and return service of BMW Group dealers across Europe was successfully implemented February 2023.
  • Fully digitized contract processing with a centralized template

  • PDF/A long-term archiving of contracts in the cloud

  • Secure data transfer via the cloud

  • Web-based processing without installation

  • Rechtskonformedigitale Signatur

  • One system for all BMW Group dealers

  • Centralized form template

  • Legal certainty in the templates

  • User friendly and efficient

Fully digitized contract processing with a centralized template

PDF/A long-term archiving of contracts in the cloud

Secure data transfer via the cloud

Centralized form template

User friendly and efficient

Web-based processing without installation

Legally compliant digital signature

One system for all BMW Group dealers

Legal certainty in the templates

Digitalise more efficiently with automation and AI!