CIB celebrates 35th anniversary - Interview with CIB founder Ulrich Brandner

CIB Group celebrates 35 years of history. Yesterday we had breakfast together and enjoyed a slide show to recall many fond memories. We also presented our founder, Ulrich Brandner, with original newspapers from 1989, the year we were founded...

To mark the 35th anniversary, we interviewed Ulrich Brandner about his experiences in the early days
35 years of the CIB Group - an impressive journey! Mr Brandner, you founded the company at a time of political upheaval in Germany. What are your memories of that time?

Brandner: It was an extremely exciting and moving time: October 1989 was a turning point in German history. The Monday demonstrations in the GDR became a symbol of peaceful resistance against the regime. This eventually led to the opening of the Berlin Wall in November 1989.

How did the fall of the Berlin Wall affect your company?
Brandner: After the fall of the Berlin Wall, we received many applications from the former GDR. Unfortunately, we found that their IT skills often did not meet our requirements. In addition, the majority of applicants spoke only Russian and not English, which was a major obstacle in the IT sector. Nevertheless, we made every effort to integrate them into our work processes.
Can you tell us more about the early days?
Brandner: In the beginning there were seven of us and each of us invested personally. At that time, in 1989, the cost of workstations and a server was almost 90,000 euros. That was a considerable sum, especially considering that the IT infrastructure was another challenge at the time. By way of comparison, large hard disks at that time had a storage capacity of 256 MB.
What challenges do you remember most from the early days?

Brandner: There were quite a few! One anecdote in particular has stayed with me: There were no mobile phones or e-mail at that time. Due to a delay in the delivery of our telephone system, we had to conduct our business from a nearby telephone booth for almost three months. And because we couldn't be called back, we had to stand in line!

How fast did the success come?
Brandner: We have grown steadily. After just two years we had 13 employees, and ten years later we had over 40. Our collaboration with international development teams has helped us make steady progress. In 2007 we started our internationalisation to Belarus - in 2015 I founded our first office in Spain, followed by Austria and Portugal. Our goal has always been to be close to our customers. Today, we have 150 employees in seven international locations. The journey is still exciting!
In your opinion, what was the key to the CIB Group's success?
Brandner: We have always developed and looked for new solutions. We have been courageous and passionate. CIB is based on a community held together by trust, freedom and independence. These values are essential to our success.
What advice would you give to young founders?

Brandner: Young entrepreneurs should use the latest technologies, especially artificial intelligence. The opportunities offered by AI are huge - you have to have the courage to use them.

Mr. Brandner, thank you very much for the interview!

Read more about our history here.

CIB Group

Experts in digitalization