CIB joins the Kubernetes Community Days 2024  

On July 1 and 2, 2024 we met with the Kubernetes and cloud-native community for the Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) at smartvillage Bogenhausen in Munich. The two-day event offered a variety of technical presentations and plenty of opportunities for networking.

The KCD Munich aims at developers and IT professionals interested in cloud-native technologies. Supported by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), the event offered a platform for sharing and learning with leading experts and like-minded proffesionals from the industry.

Exchange in the cloud-native ecosystem

An intensive exchange between the participants and the main players in the cloud-native ecosystem characterized the event. The diversity of experts and end-users present made it possible to experience technological trends and best practices first hand.

Presentations and inspiring discussions

The presentations covered a wide range of topics. Experts from the fields of Open Source, platform engineering, and cloud-native presented new solutions. This allowed participants to gain a deeper insight into the technologies and get new ideas for their projects.

An extraordinary event space

The smartvillage Bogenhausen offered plenty of space for networking, presentations, conferences, and workshops on two floors. Special highlights were the cozy lounge areas for informal discussions and the spacious workshop rooms for interactive sessions

Culinary delights and bowling fun

The excellent gastronomic offer ensured that there was something for everyone. The highlight was bowling together in the evening, which provided a relaxed atmosphere in which to network.

A successfull workshop

Kubernetes Community Days 2024 was a valuable opportunity to establish new contacts and learn about the latest developments in the cloud-native field. We are already looking forward to next year!

Let´s CIB! 

CIB Group

Experts in digitalization