Inclusion and access to information are important aspects of a modern and equitable society. Unfortunately, there are still many barriers that prevent people with disabilities from exercising this right.

CIB pdf brewer is used for the native conversion of existing text files into accessible PDF/UA formats. With this solution, documents can be made more accessible to all users, including people with disabilities who rely on alternative reading methods such as screen readers and Braille displays.
Only recently, the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) reconfirmed the high quality and user-friendliness of the CIB pdf brewer erneut bestätigt. Die Bundesbehörden müssen sicherstellen, dass ihre Dokumente barrierefrei sind, damit alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger Zugang zu den Informationen haben, die sie benötigen.
With CIB ridmi , CIB Group aims to overcome existing barriers and further expand the accessibility of texts.

CIB ridmi will enable barrier-free reading of scanned or photographed files. In combination with the scanning app CIB doXisafe and the AI OCR software solution CIB deepER , texts are extracted from images and prepared in an acce
CIB ridmi is an artificial intelligence-based solution that is funded as a research project by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
But there are also other solutions that can help improve the accessibility of documents. CIB doXibox and CIB doXicrate are foldable boxes that can be used to scan documents in high quality. With the help of an attached smartphone (iOS or Android), texts can be extracted in batches and converted into an accessible format.
You will receive the doXibox/doXicrate for free upon presentation of a severely disabled person’s ID.