Discover the server-based solution for creating and processing your documents


High-performance server


Seamless integration

Scalability through the modular decoupling of subsystems


Flexibly configurable

Interface programming using the supplied framework


Technical Support & Advice

Do you need support? Our experts are at your side to advise you


Over 200 document formats

Creation and support of all major document formats


Simple order processing

Individual functions are provided consistently.

Modular decoupling

Our proven CIB Modules erzeugen und verarbeiten Ergebnisdokumente und bilden die Basisfunktionalität des CIB documentServer ab.

Scalable server operation

The solution is flexible and scalable depending on the current order volume.

Over 200 functions

Dynamische Dokumentgenerierung, Texterkennung, Textextraktion, PDF-Bearbeitung, PDF-Komprimierung, PDF-Verschlüsselung, Einmischen von Daten, Bildbearbeitung, Schwärzen von Textpassagen und die Validierung von ZUGFeRD/SEPA Rechnungen sind nur einige der unterstützten Funktionen des CIB documentServer.

Even better performance with CIB Office

The CIB documentServer wird in Kombination mit CIB Office (LibreOffice-basiert) noch performanter mit noch mehr möglichen Dokumentoperationen und Funktionalitäten.

Error checking for less support effort

Dank der integrierten Fehlerkontrolle im CIB documentServer werden Mechanismen für Logging und Wiederholung von Fehlersituationen direkt mit bereitgestellt.

Simple order processing

Individual functions are provided consistently.

Modular decoupling

Our proven CIB Modules generate and process result documents and map the basic functionality of the CIB documentServer.

Even better performance with CIB Office

Combined with CIB Office (LibreOffice-based), the CIB documentServer becomes even more performant with more possible document operations and functionalities.

Error checking for less support effort

Thanks to the integrated error prevention and registration control, automatic mechanisms are provided to solve errors.

Scalable server operation

The solution is flexible and scalable depending on the current order volume.

Over 200 functions

Dynamic document generation, text recognition, text extraction, PDF processing, PDF compression, PDF encryption, data merging, image processing, redaction of text passages and validation of ZUGFeRD/SEPA invoices are just some of the functions supported by CIB documentServer.

CIB doXichange for the Business Integration

CIB doXichange offers a modern REST API, documented according to the standard Open API Specification 3 and supports our web-based apps in communicating with each other.

Use case: CIB coSys with CIB documentServer


Digitalization of the City of Munich

Performance and user-friendliness are essential dimensions of a unified system. The central provision of templates is elementary. With CIB coSys and the CIB documentServer all templates, regardless of the file format, are available in one central location and in a uniform layout:

"Thanks to the powerful CIB documentServer, handling large amounts of documents works much better."

Christian Schaffer, Program Manager neoIT

Are you interested in the automated creation of accessible documents?

Use our tried-and-tested CIB modules to create accessible PDF documents fully automatically - without any manual intervention.

Do you occasionally create accessible PDF documents or is it too much work for you? The CIB template service is at your disposal!

Case studies

Related products


Edit PDF in your browser with many more features like anonymization with AI - it's web-based and secure.


Template administration for end-to-end output management.


Use open source professionally with CIB Office and automatically create accessible PDFs using templates from LibreOffice.

Digitalize highly efficiently with CIB documentServer!