CIB Code of Summer: Presentations, lectures, and prizes for a good cause!

We continue with a new article about our week of events. We took advantage of our #FridayFree, to celebrate the official part of the CIB Code of Summer in our in-house event space CIB modulE. 130 participants and guests from Germany, Spain, Portugal, Austria, and Belarus gathered here with snacks and appetizers.

Prospects: executives, entry-level managers, long-term employees

CIB Group Founder Ulrich Brandner opened the event by inviting the executives to the stage and offering an interesting perspective on the future of our company.

This introduction was followed by the presentation of our senior colleagues. It was a good opportunity to reinforce the sense of community and promote cohesion in the teams.

CIB Incentives, CIB Sneaker and more

We offer CIB employees an extensive incentive program! These include offers for sports club memberships, childcare, and the CIB education and sports check.

During the event, the former smokers among us shared how the CIB Stop-Smoking-Bonus motivated them to take this important step.

Get your CIB Sneaker!

Also, on this occasion, our stylish CIB sneakers were presented - of course, made in Europe and from recycled fabrics!

Innovative projects and young researchers in the spotlight

The week-long event also featured innovative presentations showing how CIB actively promotes the future of young talent:

Schüler experimentieren prize winners Rodrigo and Leonardo from the German School in Porto presented their self-developed pupil app, which impressed the audience. Hats off!

The winner of the Jugend forscht competition in the physics category, Carlos Steiner, presented his project "Stable Levitation of Magnets" - impressive!

Of the forces in the universe

Afterwards, our guest and astrophysicist Dr Josef Gaßner reported on the fascinating fine-tuning of forces in the universe.

After these exciting insights and a short break, we continued with our traditional competition.

CIB crowdsource and quiz: play, win and donate!


Through the CIB crowdsource platform, crowdsourcers playfully exchange their points for coins and donate them to selected NPOs, including social institutions, environmental organisations and animal welfare associations.

Our donation quiz took place once again in this spirit. Every year, the knowledge of our employees on the subject of CIB & more is put to the test.

There were 6 winners among our dedicated employees who were able to answer the quiz questions correctly and the fastest. They were delighted to donate their prize money on behalf of CIB to eight self-selected non-profit organizations in the areas of child welfare and social affairs, animal welfare and environmental protection.

DJ and dancing to round off the evening

After dinner, the party gave way to relaxed conversations between colleagues and the DJ encouraged dancing until late into the night.

A memorable event

Participants came away from the event week with new insights, inspired ideas and a stronger sense of togetherness and are already looking forward to the next event when they can meet again in person at CIBmay 2024!

Thank you for the wonderful experience!

Let´s CIB!

CIB Group

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